Consider to read the ASTAP console output.

Issue #629 closed
Han K created an issue

Today I have created a special ASTAP version which write the solver log to STDOUT so console. You could consider to read the solver log in Nina.

Special version is available at:

Clear skies, Han

Comments (4)

  1. Han K reporter

    Note it is a special ASTAP version since normally a GUI application can not writeln() to the Windows console. Error messages are already reported via errorlevel after execution so usefulness of this log is very limited.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi Han,

    the stdout should already be read by nina and might be already shown in the progress during solving. However the usefulness for this inside the application is limited, so the only enhancement that could be made would be to add it as a trace log too imo.

  3. Han K reporter

    Yes no problem to do nothing. In Linux the console is standard available for a GUI application so the standard ASTAP version for Linux writes default to stdout. In Windows it is not the case.

    Just close this idea.

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