Canon 6D Mark II Sensor Temperature Not Displayed

Issue #632 duplicate
Bill Richards created an issue

I saw someone using NINA last weekend and wanted to try it on my rig, so I downloaded it and walked through the setup process. I was able to get it to communicate with my camera and mount, so I set up a test sequence and that worked, too. But the camera’s sensor temperature is always shown as “--” in the Camera window, as shown in the attached screen shot.

The image shown in the screen shot was actually captured several days ago, but I overwrote the test image captured by NINA so it had a real astro image to use. Note that the camera sensor temperature was still shown as “--” even with the test shots I captured using NINA today. I know the Canon 6D Mark II supports this because it is read and displayed correctly using BackyardEOS.

I would very much like to switch over to NINA from BackyardEOS because I was told the plate solving with ASTAP is so much faster than AstroTortilla. But this is a showstopper for me - I have to closely monitor the sensor temperature to minimize thermal noise in my images.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The temperature available is only the Temperature from the EXIF header of a file and not directly provided by the SDK. Furthermore this is not the sensor temperature, but the camera body temperature. See the linked issue for more details.

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