Suggestion for Autolign mount

Issue #643 resolved
Jeanfi created an issue

Hello, first many thanks for this excellent piece of software.

I would like to make a suggestion here for a functionality that could be nice to have.

The idea is to allow auto align a connected mount by using platesolving and syncing the mount.

This should be done trough an automated procedure that should look like the following ( for 6 points alignment) :

GoTo AltAz coordinates 45 45
Take an image
Solve image then Sync
GoTo AltAz coordinates 45 135
Take an image
Solve image then Sync
GoTo AltAz coordinates 75 90
Take an image
Solve image then Sync
GoTo AltAz coordinates 45 315
Take an image
Solve image then Sync
GoTo AltAz coordinates 45 225
Take an image
Solve image then Sync
GoTo AltAz coordinates 75 275
Take an image
Solve image then Sync

Thank you.

Comments (7)

  1. Stanley Dimant

    Already possible with Sequencer 2 in 1.11, just set up several Slew to Alt-Az and Plate Solve commands after each other.

  2. Stanley Dimant

    My bad, solve and sync is not implemented as instruction yet. However that’s a minor thing.

  3. Stefan B repo owner


    this could be solved with the sequencer in 1.11 (nightly builds available for preview) by building that sequence like described and putting it in a user template.
    The only thing that cannot be done like above is only to sync, as currently only centering instructions are there.
    An instructions to only platesolve+sync could be added if centering is not desired for this flow.

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    In the above image is an example of how this will look like. Then you can just drag it into the templates to re-use it at a later point.

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