Framing Assistant does not consider Binning of files for solving

Issue #650 resolved
Grant Fribbens created an issue


I have many FITS images in my library that I have tried to plate solve through N.I.N.A that can plate solve fine with ASTAP. When I open the image in Framing ASTAP is then launched and will fail on the first attempt with approx position and then a blind solve is attempted which also fails.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Make sure all Telescope and camera parameters are entered correctly such as focal length and focal ratio, pixel size, pixel width and pixel height are all correct. Make sure that downsample factor for ASTAP in the Plate Solver configuration is set to 0
  • Open framing and then load a FITS image
  • Say yes to try the co-ordinates that are found in the FITS image

Expected behaviour

ASTAP should be able to return data back to N.I.N.A of the plate solve

Actual behaviour

An error message appears saying that ASTAP was unable to plate solve


N.I.N.A is sending the image field of view height as part of the command parameters. When this is set to 0 for automatic calculation ASTAP succeeds. It could be that the calculation for imageProperties.FoVH is incorrect as for my image this is calculated at 0.7 but ASTAP says it is more like 1.3. It maybe better to just pass 0 so that this is automatically calculated by ASTAP.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Field of view is based on camera pixel size and focal length. Make sure these are correctly entered there.

    PS: if part of the fits header, the values will be extraced there. so if these are inaccurate it will also result in incorrect values put for the solver.

  2. Grant Fribbens reporter

    I have attached an example image that gives the issue and have found that it fails when I solve bin2x2 as the fov value that N.I.N.A gives to ASTAP is 0.7 when it should be nearer to 1.4. This is for a focal length of 288, pixel size of 2.4, sensor dimensions 5496 x 3672

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok thanks. With the image i can see what the issue is. I have updated the title accordingly and now know what needs to be fixed.

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