Downloadable User Manual

Issue #653 resolved
Bill Richards created an issue

Nearly all of my imaging sessions are done in remote locations with no Internet access. The on-line user manual is great, but I really, REALLY need the ability to access it in the field. Is there any possibility that the current user manual can be exported to a PDF file and made available for download?

If that’s already been done, I apologize as I was unable to locate it.

Comments (8)

  1. Bill Richards reporter

    If I’m interpreting the prerequisites correctly, I would python installed on my laptop as well as mkdocs. My laptop is a small, lightweight model that I use only for astrophotography - I don’t have space to load a huge python environment on my SSD just to read a user’s manual. Why can’t it just me made available in a convenient and lightweight format like PDF?

  2. Dale Ghent

    There have been some unsatisfactory results when rendering a PDF from the documentation source. Finding a way to rectify that and get a more pleasant and useful result has been on the list of things to do. Some investigation is involved.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    You can use the command “mkdocs build” to build the documentation and transport it to another pc.

    An export to PDF has been looked at, but the available plugins don’t work well and produce a bad result. The alternative could be to make the built docs available as a zip download, however the documentation is changing occasionally so your copy can get outdated quickly.

  4. Bill Richards reporter

    Stanley, thanks for the pointer. That worked - took a while, but it worked.

    Although it still consumes a lot more space than a PDF file would.

  5. Stanley Dimant

    Glad it worked. The site downloaded takes me 22mb which is really insignificant. A PDF wouldn't necessarily be smaller since most of the size (if I'm not mistaken about 21mb) comes from images, which wouldn't be smaller in a PDF file either.

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