Auto setup? SORT due to elevation? multiple targets in a seq?

Issue #659 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

I’ve been loading in older 2-3 target sequences to see how they will play out in the new SEQUENCER…

I then started to wonder why it can’t SORT the target list for elevation. Looking at current position and positioning the next target by the time it rises. Positioning the last of 3 targets last because it rises last. I believe PRISM (software) does this.

Sounds hard - but why not wish big = )

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Are you talking about the target tab in the sidebar?
    Do you want this to be sorted by current time and current altitude, or which parameters should be used for sorting that list?

  2. Ron Kramer reporter

    In Prism, you tell it the targets you want to shoot. It creates the time frame from their rising and setting times. So it will select the first target to be the one that rises first. As it sets it will pick the 2nd target that rises next and lastly as the 3rd target raises it moves to that one last.
    It’s impressive. Though I think maybe too much to ask for… but I thought I’d throw out the idea as a proposal in case others feel YEAH THAT WOULD BE GREAT.

    It could be as complex or simple as you’d want to make it. Personally, I never know what to shoot a night or what to shoot next due to rising and setting times for targets.
    IDEALLY a list of “targets on my to do list” would be created. I might have 10 or 20 targets I want to capture. Making a sequence for the night It would be so cool to say “Let's shoot… and have it look at the TO DO list… and pull the targets that would fit the time frame of that particular evening.

    So rather than trying to shoot 2 targets that rise and set nearly the same time, it might pick one target that rises then picks another target from the TO DO list that is rising as the first target is setting. Allowing NINA to auto-select a plan/sequence from the TO DO list.

    It would also probably need a custom horizon line so that NINA could check rise and set times for my tree line. (Prism does this, you define your horizon) this allows it to know rise and set times of each target. HOWEVER… Prism is 500.00 and NINA is free. So? But I can wish and propose right?

    I don’t know if a target tab on the left? Is that proposed? maybe a TO DO LIST inside NINA and then have NINA look at the targets from the list that would make up a sequence for the night?

    Again this seems really complex to me… but you guys have already done the impossible (To me) with NINA and proposing something like this might just be something you’d like to take on?

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    the target tab for the adv. sequencer offers the possibility to sort and choose suitable targets for the night. they can then just be dragged into the sequence.

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