ASI120MM Mini throws ASI_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR on connect (citing ASI_HIGH_SPEED_MODE)

Issue #662 closed
Stewart Tansley created an issue

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ASI120MM Mini always throws ASI_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR on connect as an imaging camera. Error message shows ASI_HIGH_SPEED_MODE specifically in call. Note that the Mini is USB2 only. Could this be NINA assuming it can set USB3 (high speed) on a USB2-only camera?

Corner case, since ASI120MM Mini is a common guide camera, not frequently used as an imaging camera. My scenario is to use it for plate solving in NINA through a guidescope in planetary observation where my FOV is too narrow for plate solving through the main scope.

Steps to Reproduce

  • ASI native and ASCOM drivers up to date.
  • ASI120MM Mini connected by USB(2) to PC.
  • Start NINA, go to Equipment/Camera.
  • Select ASI120MM Mini, hit connect.
  • Error is thrown.

Expected behaviour

No error.

Actual behaviour

Error is thrown.

Imaging was still possible despite the error after I changed some settings like binning and 8bit to 16bit and back. Not sure of the sequence here. Original experience was that imaging was not possible and just a white screen was shown in Imaging/Image, but I did at least get an image in the end. Error remained consistent though.

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