Auto Focusing Not working

Issue #677 closed
Astrofili_Pisani created an issue

I have an Arduino Astro Focuser. I was using it previously with Focus Max and It has been working fine also in automatic focusing mode.

I tried to do auto focus with NINA but I have the following problem:

  1. Focuser connection => Ok I can see the actual focuser position
  2. Auto Focus procedure starts => ok
  3. Shoot a first picture => ok
  4. NINA command the focuser movement => The focuser moves
  5. The focuser stops in the right position => NINA does not understand that the focuser is stopped so it wait…wait…

The only way to stop is to close NINA. After reconnection, I am able to connect to the focuser, I found it in the new position but the issue remains.

I don’t know if can help you, but Iwas evaluating also Voyager as astronomical software (but NINA is better) and I had exaclty the same issue.

Greeetings from Italy!

Comments (9)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Good evening. NINA knows when the focuser is done with its movement when the IsMoving property of the focuser’s ASCOM driver returns to false. As we can see in the screenshot, it is reporting true, so NINA waits until the driver sets it to false, and it will wait forever until it does. It seems there may be a communication issue between the focuser driver and hardware, or there is a bug in the driver that prevents the IsMoving status from reflecting reality.

    It is likely that Voyager monitors the focuser’s status in the same way, and is why it also experiences this issue.

  2. Astrofili_Pisani reporter

    Hello Dale.

    Your description perfectly describes what is happening. Obviously, the screen has been done once the focuses was stop. Nina still thinks it is moving.

    At least in Voyager, I don't know in NINA, this seems to happen when Backlash compensation is activated.

    The strange thing is that the focuses works perfectly using AstroFocus software and also FocusMax V3.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    it could be that the other software isn’t considering the “IsMoving” flag at all and just looks at the position that the focuser is reporting. However nina considers both.

  4. Dale Ghent

    Are you referring to backlash compensation in the driver itself, or in Voyager? If this issue happens with backlash compensation on in the focuser, you might wish to disable that and use NINA’s backlash compensation methods.

  5. Astrofili_Pisani reporter

    Hello to all.

    First of all, thanks a lot for your reply, it is very appreciated!

    In attachment some screen that maybe can help in the problem definition. As far as I can see, there isn’t a backlash compensation in Ascom Driver side, only in Focus Max (attached just for example) or NINA.

    I just did another test, I disable backlash compensation in NINA and the issue still exhist. I connect the focuser, ok, I try to move it, it moves but NIN does not understand that the movement is finished and waits. I can see the flag “is moving” still active.

    I can also use Focus Max connected with NINA, the only problem with this is the Focus Max uses Maxim DL and I would like to avoid to use it because I would prefer to use only one software, NINA for example, instead of having somthing else. In particular, if I use Maxim for focusing, I have to use it also for imaging, otherwise I have to connect and disconnect many times the CCD and this can create issues. Am I correct or there is a solution for that?

    Ps. Do not worry for the amplitude of backlash, 500step. It is due to the gear ratio

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    Yea the only problem here is that the “IsMoving” flag won’t switch back to “false”. Seems like a driver problem, as NINA is constantly polling the driver for that value.

  7. Astrofili_Pisani reporter

    So the solution has to be a new driver for the focuser.
    Is it possible to use, with NINA, Focus Max (so Maxim) ONLY for the focusing phase and imaging with NINA without any troubles?

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