SWITCH: timeout error pops up after switch is flipped

Issue #690 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

I got the digital loggers switch (8 switches) working and it’s cool - however after I toggle the switch, I see the light come on in the dome around 5 seconds later. (which is fine) but then another 5 seconds or so after that a pop up comes up saying.
Timeout to set switch value 1 for switch name switch 7 current value is 0.

Let me clarify. It says the current value is 0. (and the list of 8 switch values show 0) but it is on. So it’s 1.
see photo
white inset - shows actual switch positions.

NINA shows all 0
NINA does toggle switches ON AND OFF. But they remain 0.
When connecting to the switch. It shows all 0 (even though some are always on).

Comments (12)

  1. Ron Kramer reporter

    More info:

    On the connect switch page when I connect. All read 0 (off) however I always leave 3 on. (shouldn’t they read the switch and display the ON switches as 1 ? (on?)
    they all default to 0.

    When I turn them on, the CONNECTION PAGE (under the equipment) does show it is on.

    But the switch DOCKING window shows off.

  2. Ron Kramer reporter

    update I continued testing and switching stopped working. disconnect, reconnect switcher doesn’t respond.
    stand by - rebooting NINA. Still nothing.

  3. Ron Kramer reporter

    IGNORE the comments after the first post. I’m not sure but it seems my IP camera froze. So I’m not sure of those reports are correct.

  4. Dale Ghent

    Could you be having network issues to your dome that would also affect your digitalloggers device? Perhaps the DL ASCOM driver might not graciously handle network interruptions when it is trying to hit the web API on the DL switch

  5. Ron Kramer reporter

    I can’t say for sure. I do run the browser IP interface into the digital loggers unit. It always works, always switches and always reads correctly. Not a single hiccup using the built in IP interface.

    things to note. When the SWITCH connects. I get the connected msg. But issue 1 is that the switches do not appear as set. Some are on and some are off and when it connects they are all read as 0. This seems odd.

    Sending a ON or OFF signal - seems to work well, but again the current status isn’t read. Always shows 0 - though the switch is on.
    Let me log in a sec and do a quick check and nuc reboot.

    Connected switch. (no problem but reads all switches as 0 and some are on)
    sending a ON to switch 7 does turn it on and OFF turns it off. Usually with a delay of about 5-7 seconds. The ON/OFF reading simply switches to ON and to OFF but doesn’t appear to be read from the device. (it’s just toggling the switch without really reading it).

    Switching on and off several times worked each time.
    I’m doing this from the equipment page where the switch is connected.

    Moving to the switch DOCKED area. All switches show 0 (off) though some are on.
    it isn’t readying them. (should it?)

    This is interesting. I went to make a change to switch 7 and selecting it… the status switched to the GREEN “ON”. Switching to switch 8 which is off… stayed OFF.

    Switching to switch 1 which is always on. Still showed OFF. The difference between switch 7 and switch 1 is. (1 is always on) so defaulted to off in nina). But switch 7 I had switched on in the equipment area. So it passed the ON status from the equipment page to the dock display area.

    So to me it seems the issue is that the device is not being read?
    Also though switch 7 flipped to a GREEN “ON”… but the list designation stayed at 0.

    See attached.
    Oops I can’t attach to a reply/comment.
    I’ll see if I can add it to the original post as a 3rd attachment.

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    You need to hit the checkmark icon after you switch it to on in the dock image. Then the switch will be set to the value and also read from the switch if it succeeded. It looks like the switch fails to turn on.

  7. Ron Kramer reporter

    Stefan - YES I am aware - but that’s not the issue.
    None of my switches are ever read as on or off. They all read “0” off upon connection when in fact some are always on. There are also huge stings of error in the log along with time out errors when I flip a switch.
    Example - I just turned a switch that was on… “on” in NINA… I clicked the check mark. It still shows as 0. (off) I suspect 1 is on? and then a time out pops up and says current value is 0. (it’s on).

    I think it’s a driver issue. I tried to email the driver creator (Chris Roland) and never heard back. My logs are huge because they’re constantly logging switch errors. so I have to leave it disconnected.

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