NINA + ASCOM Focuser simulator always crash

Issue #701 wontfix
Giampaolo M created an issue

I have always a crash with ASCOM Focuer Simulator if I’m going to connect NINA using my “virtual telescope” profile that have: ASCOM simulator for telescope, focuser and camera.

Telescope and camera are running well (they works and it possibile to shut down them without problem if I’m going to disconnet equipment via NINA’s button). Fucoser DON’T! It seems is not starting properly, always giving me “not repsond” blank window (see image attached). If I’m going to kill it, NINA will crash!

Is it a problem of my computer? Did you notice it before?

Thanks, regards


Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is a known issue with that simulator. That one is not thread safe and N.I.N.A. connects to devices from a different thread as the UI thread. Use the other simulator that is available when you want to simulate runs.

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