Improperly saved image files during sequence

Issue #704 closed
John L created an issue

Hello, last night I ran using the latest NINA nightly,
-------------------Running NINA Version

For one particular target, the image files were not saved properly. I looked in the log file, and found this:

[2020-11-17T02:55:43.4786] [ERROR] [Message] Could not find a part of the path. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.File.InternalMove(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean checkHost)
at NINA.Model.ImageData.ImageData.FinalizeSave(String file, String pattern)

It was a two panel sequence, and the folders were created properly. The folder names were:

NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster(1) Panel 1

NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster(1) Panel 2

The imaging files were not stored in either of these folders, for both panels they were both stored one level above in:

Note that the image filenames are not correct either.

Based on the log entry, I’m assuming the problem is that the target name I used contained too many characters?

Please let me know.



Comments (15)

  1. Phil Blankenship

    Are you able to reproduce this reliably or was this just a one-off thing? Also, is that a network drive?

  2. John L reporter

    Only happened that one time, and only for those two targets. It’s not a network drive. I’ve only had a chance to run that version one time, so not sure if it’s repeatable.

  3. John L reporter

    Hi, I updated to nightly #0023. The same issue occurred again last night. I intended to shorten the filename, which I did for the name of the sequence. However, unfortunately I forgot to also change the “name” field…

    In any case, the files were named and stored improperly again, similar to what I reported in my first post above.


  4. John L reporter

    Also, please note that the content of the image files being generated is just fine. I am able to process the image files as usual. It’s just that the filenames for this particular target are not being created properly. (and they are not saved in the proper folder). I did not have this problem with any of the other targets, for either of the two nights.

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    To identfy the issue i need your Image File pattern which is specified in options-imaging

  6. John L reporter

    Oh sorry I misunderstood, here is the image file pattern as it was when I had the problems:

    \$$DATEMINUS12$$\$$TARGETNAME$$\$$TARGETNAME$$, Fr#= $$FRAMENR$$, $$DATETIME$$, $$IMAGETYPE$$, $$FILTER$$, Temp=$$SENSORTEMP$$, Exp= $$EXPOSURETIME$$s, Gain=$$GAIN$$, guid rms=$$RMS$$, C= $$CAMERA$$, Rot=$$ROTATORANGLE$$ deg

  7. John L reporter

    \$$DATEMINUS12$$\$$TARGETNAME$$\$$TARGETNAME$$, Fr#= $$FRAMENR$$, $$DATETIME$$, $$IMAGETYPE$$, $$FILTER$$, Temp=$$SENSORTEMP$$, Exp= $$EXPOSURETIME$$s, Gain=$$GAIN$$, guid rms=$$RMS$$, C= $$CAMERA$$, Rot=$$ROTATORANGLE$$ deg

  8. John L reporter

    not sure why the backslash at the beginning shows up here. I don’t see it in the NINA window

  9. John L reporter

    Note, the above is after I made a change this morning to the rotator section: below is what I think the image file pattern was that I was using when the problems occurred:

    \$$DATEMINUS12$$\$$TARGETNAME$$\$$TARGETNAME$$, Fr#= $$FRAMENR$$, $$DATETIME$$, $$IMAGETYPE$$, $$FILTER$$, Temp=$$SENSORTEMP$$, Exp= $$EXPOSURETIME$$s, Gain=$$GAIN$$, guid rms=$$RMS$$, C= $$CAMERA$$, Rot=$$$$ROTATORANGLE$$ deg

  10. Phil Blankenship

    Alright, I’m able to reproduce this with my Canon DSLR but not with my QHY294c. The difference is the length of the camera name, which puts it over 260 characters (system-defined maximum length for filename/path) when using the Canon.

  11. Stefan B repo owner

    The image pattern should be chosen to not break the windows file name limit of 255 characters. There is no way around this limit.

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