Nina, PHD and the Atik GP Mono

Issue #705 resolved
riccardo roano created an issue

I am experiencing an issue while using N.I.N.A in conjunction with PHD guiding 2. Every time open NINA, PHD stops receiving signal from my guide camera. The actual error message is the following:
(cameradriver.core) startexposure - camera no idle

This only happens while I am using my Atik GP Mono as guide camera. I've tried swapping and connecting my main camera (QHY163M) as a guide camera and my guide camera as a main one, and everything works just fine. The problem seems to be showing up only when I use phd, nina and the atik camera in conjunction.

I have the latest version of all the software and drivers.

I have also tried opening PHD alone, and it works fine. The moment I open NINA, even without connecting it to any equipment, the problem appears. I've even tried changing the port number on NINA (in this way disconnecting it from PHD), but it didn't do much.

I am at a loss for words, I really can't explain it. Can anybody help?


Mount: Celestron CGEM DX

Main camera: QHY163M

Main scope: GSO RC 6"

Guide Camera: Atik GP Mono

Guide scope: 50mm aperture, 240mm focal length

Imaging software: NINA

Guiding Software: PHD2 V2.6.9

Mount control software: NextRemote

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