Image exposures being cut off early

Issue #710 resolved
David Pilger created an issue

[YES] Is the issue reproducible?
[YES, Version 1.10 HF2 Beta006] Are you running the latest version?
[YES] Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met?


I’ve been using NINA for awhile with no issues, but last night while trying to capture a sequence NINA kept cutting off the exposures early. I was trying to capture 360s subs but each image would be randomly cut short anywhere from 60s to 200s or so. I also tried just capturing single 360s images outside of a sequence with the same results.

The only thing that I changed in my NINA setup was turning “No Sync” to off in the telescope options. I had never previously had that off while running a sequence. I packed up early and took everything back in to the garage and as a test I connected the camera to NINA again (this time no mount was connected) as was able to take a single 360s image, did not try a sequence though.

Steps to Reproduce

See description.

Expected behaviour

Exposures should be the set amount of time, not cut off early.

Actual behaviour

Exposures cut off early. As can be seen in the attached log, the sequence capture starts at 2020-11-21T20:31:19.0195 and is set for 360s, and then the next capture starts at 2020-11-21T20:35:09.5336 (after dithering and 10s scope settle) for a total exposure of 208s. The rest of the sequence continues this way.

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