Connecting second instance of NINA with Synchronized PHD2, and PHD2 is already guiding causes second instance of NINA to crash/PHD2 to hang

Issue #716 wontfix
Kevin Jackson created an issue

When using 2 instances of NINA with Synchronised PHD2 enabled (on both), if the first instance is already in progress guiding, and you launch the second instance to join/continue - the second instance hangs [happens when you click on the Imaging icon].

Steps to reproduce:

Load up 1st instance of NINA as normal, connect all equipment as normal

Start Guiding

Load up 2nd instance of NINA, connect all equipment as normal

Click on the Imaging icon in the second instance - 2nd instance of NINA will hang, and sometimes cause PHD2 to hang too.

Expected behaviour

Second instance of NINA to function normally, recording the output of PHD2 guiding as normal

Actual behaviour

Second instance of NINA hangs, causing Task Manager intervention. To fix, you have to stop the first instance imaging, stop guiding, disconnect PHD2 from both NINAs, reconnect - and ensuring no guiding is currently in progress - start imaging (and guiding) again.

Versions used: 1.10 HF1 and 1.10 HF2 Beta 006

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    the sync dither will be deprecated for 1.11. A new approach will be completely different and might be added later.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    In case someone is stumbling on this issue: For 1.11 a new plugin is available that introduces a new synchronization concept.

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