Flat Wizard is not setting panel light to be on, despite setting light panel to be on in Equipment, and 100% being set in the Wizard

Issue #718 resolved
Kevin Jackson created an issue

Equipment: Pegasus FlatMaster

When using the Flat Wizard, after setting correct parameters, including Flat Panel Brightness to be 100%, a warning pops up that says “Flat Sequence Cancelled, could not determine a flat exposure setting.”

This is because the panel is not on. The Wizard had been set to have the panel brightness to be 100% - I would assume that to mean 100% bright, rather than 100% not on.

Prior to this stage, I’d manually set - in the Equipment panel for the Light Panel - to be 100% and switch to On.

Steps to reproduce

Connect Flat Panel

Set On, 100%

Select Flat Wizard

Ensure settings for your filter/flat is that any brightness setting is chosen

Flat Wizard will complain that it could not determine exposure

Selecting the Flat Panel in Equipment will show the panel to be off

Once set to on again, you can use the Flat Wizard again

Expected behaviour

I should be able to connect the Flat Panel, then press the start/play button in Flat Wizard and it should set the brightness of the panel to be whatever the setting is, and then determine the exposure length.

Actual behaviour

Flat panel remains off until forced (twice) to be on

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