NINA crashes if sequence is stopped during focus.

Issue #720 closed
Ron Kramer created an issue

Last night I crashed it again. (both times I clicked X stop sequence. (is it possible to have it pause where it sits?).
I noticed my dome hadn't aligned the slit yet and it was trying to focus. This threw the focus WAY OUT. By the time the shutter/slit aligned wth the scope focus was then too far off to work at all. It threw it off more. I later dropped in another AF into the sequence and it was too far off to reclaim a decent starting position. I clicked “X” STOP and it crashed (froze up solid) a 3 finger salute was in order. Then to reconnect all gear etc. I now have learned “don’t click STOP during a focus routine”. But I wanted to bring it to your attention in case this is a bug that can be easily fixed.

This also makes me wonder? Should the next sequence command “wait” until the dome is done slewing?
I also had a slew and center and the slew got there - (before the dome) and the center started… dome was still coming around and solve errored twice and it skipped center and went to next command (focus).
Again - seems like the command set should wait for the dome to stop slewing/arrive at scope position?

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