Sequence Display "M/N" Incorrect if Some Sequences are Disabled

Issue #729 closed
Bill Richards created an issue

Let’s say you have 7 imaging sequences defined and disable the first 4 so only the last 3 sequences are enabled (as shown in the image on the right). When you start the sequence, you would expect the Imaging display to show either “Sequence 5/7” or “Sequence 1/3”. But it starts by showing “Sequence 3/3” and continues to show that as it progresses through all 3 sequences (see image on the left).

Also, as an improvement suggestion, it would seem to make more sense to order the Sequence information differently at the bottom, starting with the sequence number, then the exposure number, then the “Exposing” bar showing the progress of time of exposure. That way it sort of goes from MSB to LSB. 🙂

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    With the changes to the sequencer in 1.11 this issue became obsolete, as the progress is different

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