Dither settle threshold before exposure start

Issue #73 resolved
Johannes Josefsen created an issue

It would be nice with the possibility to set a threshold in pixels for the guider to reach before the dither settle time kicks in and after that a new exposure starts.

Example: Dither threshold: 0,65 (px)

After a dither NINA will wait for PHD2 to get within 0,64 pixels of the new guide star position, before it initiates the settle wait and then starts an exposure. It will prevent exposure starting before the mount is completely done dithering.

Could be combined with a timeout as well, so if PHD2 doesn't reach the threshold in a given number of seconds, the plan is halted or the exposure simply starts.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    NINA already waits for the PHD2 signal "SettleDone" or after a maximum of 120 seconds continues. The pixel threshold should be configured inside PHD2 and not inside NINA.

  2. Johannes Josefsen reporter

    The thing is you can't configure that threshold inside PHD2, in the manual it specifically states it is the imaging application has the responsibility of deciding when the guiding is good enough to continue with the next exposure.

    Excerpt from the manual:


  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Well that's a strange wording, as PHD2 will determine when the guiding is stable again either way. But now i got what you want. Currently the settle parameters are fixed to 1.5 pixels - 8 seconds minimum time and 40 seconds timeout. I can add this to be configurable.

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