Flat Wizard: Continious Problem - Current Exposure Calculations problem

Issue #735 closed
Ruediger created an issue

Hi Stefan,
I suffer from repeating problem with flat wizard. When I try to run it for all filter I frequently get the warning attached though the calculated exposure is perfectly in the range of Min and Max Exposure. Also Step Size is chosen so small the the Tolerance could be easily matched. I was not able to run the wizard successfully for all filters.

The problems have started after reverting the failed attempt with the Flat Wizard change. After that it is not running for me anymore. Some Filters do fine, some fail regardless what I enter as value. If I do the flat manually in sequencer with calculated Exposure there is no problem at all. Only the wizard refuses it.

Moreover for my point of view it makes on very little sense to calculate the Exposure to so many decimal digits. 10E-04 should be absolutely sufficient.


Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The flat wizard takes your min exposure then min exposure + step size and tries to extrapolate the target exposure. Looking at the screenshot the estimation oversteps and then fails with notifying that it is too bright. Your step size is really small so the extrapolation might fail due to the sensor not being linar.

    Reverting the flat wizard change effectively made it like it was before. so there is no change whatsoever to any of the previous builds.

  2. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,
    thanks for the quick reply. But it is not clear to me since MinE<0.001 and MaxE=60s so the calculated exposure of roughly 1s is definitely in the range defined. So I do not understand what should be overstepped.

    You mean by increasing step size e.g. to 0.25s it should be fixes.

    Sorry for keeping on asking, but it is not clear to me.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Is this problem still happening? If yes it would be great to get more details, like which mode, which settings and some logs.

  4. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    Not in the last time, but I have changed also flat panel. But I have seen other effects, but I will create a separate issue for that when reoccurring.

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