Manual filter wheel or filter drawer option

Issue #74 resolved
Tommy Lim KW created an issue


I am hoping NINA can add manual filter wheel or filter drawer option for those who doesn't have EFW.

  1. Manual Filter Wheel is used when we have a filter wheel that is not computer controlled, but still want to have the benefit of the sequencing, file naming, and FITs headers found within NINA.
  2. We may setup the Manual Filter Wheel just like a normal filter wheel in the Filter Setup dialog in NINA.
  3. Whenever a filter change is requested a dialog box will pop up asking us to manually change the filter.
  4. This dialog will pause the sequence and any other actions currently taking place until "OK" has been clicked.

Regards, Tom

Comments (2)

  1. Eric Schubert

    @Stefan B, I would suggest having an option to plate-solve after switching filters, as well. I don’t have a filter drawer or wheel, so I need to manually remove the camera and swap filters. Being able to adjust center and rotation again after swapping filters would be great.

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