dome follows telescope ERROR

Issue #741 resolved
songxuan created an issue

When I set dome follows telescope, I got:

[ERROR] [Message] Side of Pier is unknown at NINA.Utility.DomeSynchronization.TargetDomeAzimuth(Coordinates scopeCoordinates, Double localSiderealTime, Angle siteLatitude, Angle siteLongitude, PierSide sideOfPier)
at NINA.ViewModel.Equipment.Dome.DomeFollower.GetSynchronizedPosition(TelescopeInfo telescopeInfo)
at NINA.ViewModel.Equipment.Dome.DomeFollower.TriggerTelescopeSync()
at NINA.ViewModel.Equipment.Dome.DomeFollower.<<Start>b__13_0>d.MoveNext()

And I can’t find where I can set SideOfPier.

I’ve test set yes/no in the ASCOM telescope simulator. But it doesn’t affect the Error.


Win10, N.I.N.A. 1.11 #032, ASCOM telescope simulator, ASCOM dome simulator

Thank you!

Comments (10)

  1. George Hilios

    @songxuan I don’t know which telescope simulator supports side of pier, if any. If they don’t, you can’t test dome synchronization with a simulator. SideOfPier is required to know where the dome should open (although I guess you wouldn’t need it for an alt-az mount, hmm…)

    What are you trying to accomplish?

  2. songxuan reporter

    Thank you for your reply
    I want use the feature: dome follow telescope.
    That is to say, when I slew the telescope, the dome need to rotate to same az.
    I have an german equator mount and a classic observatory dome with MaxDome. TSX can do dome follow telescope, but it's sequence function weak.

    I have test N.I.N.A under real enviroment, same ERROR.

    [2020-12-28T20:48:11.1568] [INFO] [MemberName] ChooseTelescope
    [2020-12-28T20:48:11.1568] [INFO] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Telescope\TelescopeVM.cs
    [2020-12-28T20:48:11.1568] [INFO] [Message] Successfully connected Telescope. Id: ASCOM.SoftwareBisque.Telescope Name: ASCOM Telescope Driver for TheSky. Driver Version: 6.1

    [2020-12-28T21:02:28.8669] [INFO] [MemberName] ChooseDome
    [2020-12-28T21:02:28.8669] [INFO] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Dome\DomeVM.cs
    [2020-12-28T21:02:28.8669] [INFO] [Message] Successfully connected Dome. Id: ASCOM.MaxDome2.Dome Name: MaxDome2 Controller Driver Version:

    [2020-12-28T21:02:33.7831] [ERROR] [MemberName] Start
    [2020-12-28T21:02:33.7831] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Dome\DomeFollower.cs
    [2020-12-28T21:02:33.7831] [ERROR] [Message] Side of Pier is unknown 在 NINA.Utility.DomeSynchronization.TargetDomeAzimuth(Coordinates scopeCoordinates, Double localSiderealTime, Angle siteLatitude, Angle siteLongitude, PierSide sideOfPier)
    在 NINA.ViewModel.Equipment.Dome.DomeFollower.GetSynchronizedPosition(TelescopeInfo telescopeInfo)
    在 NINA.ViewModel.Equipment.Dome.DomeFollower.TriggerTelescopeSync()
    在 NINA.ViewModel.Equipment.Dome.DomeFollower.<<Start>b__13_0>d.MoveNext()

  3. George Hilios

    songxuan, when you connect the telescope, what “Side of Pier” does it report? You can view this in the Telescope Equipment page in the bottom corner:

  4. George Hilios

    Oh interesting. I didn’t know Software Bisque mounts work this way. The ASCOM driver uses TheSkyX to control the telescope. Can you look in TheSkyX for a setting for “beyondPole”? I read up here:

    If you’re running your mount in this configuration, you’d need to turn off “Use Telescope Side of Pier” anyways (or even disable meridian flip altogether if the driver manages it!). I will update dome synchronization logic to support this case when “Use Telescope Side of Pier” is “Off”. Regardless, I recommend having NINA manage the flip and to enable beyondPole so you can let NINA image past the meridian and then flip with minimal time lost to imaging. In that case SideOfPier will be available, and dome synchronization would work without depending on the change I will make.

    Does this make sense?

  5. songxuan reporter

    I didn’t find where set “beyondPold”, sorry. I have google it, “beyondPold” is a parameter for Astro-physics, not for Paramount?

    I have test turn off the “Use Telescope Side of Pier”, still got ERROR.

    And where can I disable meridian flip altogether in N.I.N.A.?

    Yes, N.I.N.A control the dome is the better way, thanks for your work.

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