Meade LX200 GPS - Impossible to move the telescope using the push buttons on the telescope form.

Issue #744 closed
DeepSky created an issue


<Pressing one of the four direction push button present in the telescope form, the telescope does't move>

Steps to Reproduce

  • <Connect the scope>
  • <Press one of the four direction push button present in the telescope form>

Expected behaviour

<The telescope must move in the direction of the arrow pressed and at the rate selected>

Actual behaviour

<The telescope does't move and an error box is showed informing that the “AxisRate method” is not supported by the driver.>

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is a driver issue. When the methods to move are not implemented, nina is not able to do it

  2. DeepSky reporter

    Being able to move the telescope manually is not essential but it is very useful. I suggest, if possible, to modify the motion command with the "R - Slew Rate Commands" method which should be implemented in the LX200 protocol.

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