Atikone 9.0 Camera can not work in ASCOM driver connection mode

Issue #746 closed
Solaris Sea created an issue

OS:windows 10

atikone driver : AtikCamerasSDK_2020_10_19 and AtikCamerasSDK_2020_10_19

NINA version : NINASetupBundle_1.10.1.9001 64bits

When use ASCOM driver to connect camera ,nina can not take picture and get time out error.

log message is

[2021-01-05T22:24:38.6270] [ERROR] [MemberName] LogComplianceIssue
[2021-01-05T22:24:38.6270] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
[2021-01-05T22:24:38.6270] [ERROR] [Message] ASCOM Gain SET threw a PropertyNotImplementedException. This is a driver compliance issue and should be fixed by the driver vendor.

[2021-01-05T22:24:38.6619] [ERROR] [MemberName] LogComplianceIssue
[2021-01-05T22:24:38.6619] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
[2021-01-05T22:24:38.6619] [ERROR] [Message] ASCOM Gain GET threw a PropertyNotImplementedException. This is a driver compliance issue and should be fixed by the driver vendor.

[2021-01-05T22:25:55.4765] [ERROR] [MemberName] Capture
[2021-01-05T22:25:55.4765] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraVM.cs
[2021-01-05T22:25:55.4765] [ERROR] [Message] Camera Timeout - Camera did not set image as ready after exposuretime + 60 seconds

Use native driver connection ,it is ok to take picture ,but in this mode nina can not connect to filterwheel :(

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    As the ASCOM interaction is workign with many cameras, this is not a nina issue, as all ascom cameras are treated the same.

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