Safety monitor bug Nexdome won't close. (stutters trying to).

Issue #751 resolved
Ron Kramer created an issue

Connect nexdome
(weather is false) so I don’t start the safety monitor yet.
Once open or partially open, start safety monitor.
UNSAFE msg appears “closing dome message” repeats over and over and shutter stutters. Does not close.

Disconnect safety monitor. Click “CLOSE DOME” button in NINA/nexdome and the dome closes.

I have not been able to test it “SAFE” and open while conditions change to UNSAFE. I suspect same will happen

Comments (21)

  1. Ron Kramer reporter

    Stefan thanks for trying. It no longer stutters but it doesn’t close at all now either. I just ran a test to check it and when the safety monitor (using the AAGCW driver) changes from true to false the dome doesn’t close. I assume not, but must I use the hub? Since Nina is the only connection to the dome the internal safety driver should still be able to close it from within the nina com port connection right? I’ve been using a separate “Last line of defense” freeware monitor that works outside of nina. Not as elegant but works for now. (no rush on this) I’m surprised no one else has mentioned it.

    The test was from true (open shutter) and false (safety monitor) and no close.
    However if the monitor is False before I open the shutter. The shutter will not open and says unsafe. Weird huh.
    No rush using other methods but wanted to update the post.

    I have nexdome with latest firmware and driver. The safety monitor does report TRUE and FALSE properly. The issue is (YES I have the option under the dome to CLOSE IF UNSAFE). it doesn’t seem to send the @CLS (close) command.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok that's unexpected. Can you post your Nina log file and if possible the ascom driver log of the dome?

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Yea they seem to be alright. However I don’t fully understand the step by step repro steps that you are performing and furthermore i don’t see any call to closing the dome due to unsafe conditions. Is the option to do so checked in the dome options in nina?

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok i think i have found one flow where the order of connections do not lead to a closing shutter. i will adjust the logic.

  5. Ron Kramer reporter

    Yes I have “close if unsafe” checked. I don 't see a close either. I have been reviewing the logs
    3:51:52.749 Reading from file 2021-05-17 13:51:53.00 C K 6.3 30.4 30.4 0.0 78 26.1 10 0 0 00000 044333.57770 3 1 1 3 1 1
    13:51:52.749 Date time read from file 2021-05-17 13:51:53
    13:51:52.749 Date time from file parse 5/17/2021 1:51:53 PM
    13:51:52.749 Diff in secs vs Now 0
    13:51:52.749 Check file OK, weather is UNSAFE
    13:51:54.906 Connected Get True
    13:51:54.966 Connected Get True
    13:51:56.740 Connected Get True
    13:51:56.740 Connected Get True
    13:51:56.740 Reusing last file read, w False

    wondering if the shutter is losing connection.

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    Next time please try to be detailed in your repro steps, which will make fixing the specific scenarios easy. It was just one specific scenario that was not working and will be fixed with Nightly 81.

    Here is an example:

    Steps to reproduce

    1. In Options->Dome Enable “Close on unsafe conditions”
    2. Inside Equipment->Dome select the appropriate dome driver
    3. Successfully Connect to the Dome
    4. Open the dome shutter and wait until it is open
    5. Inside Equipment->SafetyMonitor select the appropriate safety monitor driver
    6. Connect to the safety monitor, but the initial state has to be UNSAFE


    Dome will close immediately after connection


    Dome does not close

    Other scenarios where the initial state is safe and then it switches to unsafe should work already.

  7. Ron Kramer reporter
    • changed status to open

    Been away - last night first time I've images since last post. All was well and safe=true... I went to bed. I should shoot until 4:30am.

    AT around 1:14am clouds moved in. safe=FALSE. I will attach logs. (I edited out most of the previous log).

    Once false the log shows "unsafe closing shutter". MANY times (shouldn't it be once?) I went to watch the video. The video shots NINA attempting to close but again it closes about .5 inch stops. And keeps doing this as it inches down (over about a hour). Evenally my cloud watcher script closed it. After it was closed. I could still hear it getting close commands from NINA. You can hear it trying to power closed. (but it is closed). This went on for hours. This wasn't a repo - was just normal use.

  8. Dale Ghent

    The NINA logs don’t tell much. This sounds like something else is conflicting with the command to close the shutter and the only thing that could possibly hint at that is if your nexdome driver also logs what it is doing. Since the nextdome driver is what actually is controlling the shutter, visibility into what it’s doing is important here.

  9. Stefan B repo owner

    Yea the ascom driver logs are necessary to understand the problem. If I would guess - the dome driver does not immediately update the shutter status to closing when the method is called. Need the ascom driver logs to confirm

  10. Ron Kramer reporter

    okay I did your repo steps.
    soon as safety monitor was connected it saw false and said closing. It didn’t. It makes this stutter noise like it’s moving about .1 inch and loops. I’ll attach log.

    I then clicked CLOSE in the driver and it did. (outside of nina).

  11. Stefan B repo owner

    Ron, you have uploaded again the NINA logs, however what we need to have a look at are the ASCOM logs for your dome driver - those are found inside your documents folder in the subfolder ASCOM. Thanks.

  12. Ron Kramer reporter

    I believe you found it. THANK YOU (I'll be sending more cash or joining the monthly program) when I get a chance. Been swamped and rain has me away from the dome for the past month+.

    I ran the test and it closed. (with update I got today) not sure what number. (7/8/2020 today). Only issue was the Closing message kept displaynig even after closed. But my driver wasn't reporting the dome as actually closed by the sensor so I'll move the sensor and report back. Still WORKS. The repeating brown pop up is just a minior annoyance. At least now it will close and gear is safe

    Thanks again for the BEST astro capture software on the planet. I've tried them all.

  13. Stefan B repo owner

    Thanks for the feedback. Good that it is working. Could you also share the logs, to maybe identify why the pop up is repeatably shown?

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