Add a boolean setting "Recalibrated PHD2 after Meridian flip", "Calibrate PHD2 on sequence start" and maybe "Recalibrate PHD every X photos"

Issue #76 resolved
Ronon Dex created an issue

On my mount I can get 0.3" - 0.5" RMS in guiding performance increase if I recalibrate after a big slew or each 2 hours or so (guiding performance gradually decreases over time on the Celestron AVX if you keep using the same calibration).

Comments (3)

  1. Johannes Josefsen

    This would also add further automation when starting a session.

    My normal workflow is to slew to near my target, calibrate and then start the target. If NINA could initiate a calibration automatically I would't have to do that part myself. :)

  2. Matt Clements

    Auto PHD re-calibration is absolutely required if using a camera rotator and/or imaging multiple targets.

    so an additional option: re-calibrate PHD2 after rotation change or sequence start.

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