Are you planning on allowing a sequence schedule by date/time?

Issue #784 resolved
Javier Villarreal created an issue


This is a very useful suggestion. I’d like to know if you are planning on allowing sequence scheduling by date/time instead of sequencial?.

The problem with doing everything sequencially is if there are clouds and cause the plate solving to fail, it will delay the next sequence, if you’d like to plan for dawm Flats for example, which have to be done at a certain time, any delays will cause them to not work

thank you so much for everything,

Javier Villarreal.,

Comments (3)

  1. Dale Ghent

    The Advanced Sequencer in 1.11 has such capabilities, including starting a sequence when the target is at a certain altitude, a specific time, and so-on. The sequencing engine from 1.10 and before will be known as the “Simple Sequencer” and it will remain as it is. For full flexibility in imaging, one will need to use 1.11’s Advanced Sequencer. Cuiv has a good video on this:

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