Nightly 053: SubSampling - wrong area in following image

Issue #796 resolved
Ruediger created an issue

Hello all,

not sure whether this is a bug or the problem sits in fron of the keyboard. I don't get “SubSampling” to work as expected.

  1. I shoot a frame
  2. Select subSamplingFrame and drag the box where I want to have it and set a size e.g. 300x300
  3. Then I take a shot with the slider “EnableSubSampling” ”on”


  1. The Result is not showing the selected area, but somewhere else
  2. By every shot The subSamplingFrame gets automatically zoomed in
  3. The next shot again “zooms”. When Loop is enabled NINA crashes after a few Iteration. No log entries are written.
  4. Even If I disable the SubSamplingFrame after the first Sub, it shows the wrong area. It looks like something was downloaded but when considering the file size it takes much to long. It feels more like downloading the complete frame, and showing the wrong are.

I am not sure whether I use the tool correctly, but what ever I try it does not work and show the selected area e.g. Star for focusing.

Cheers Rüdiger

Comments (11)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    the subsampling interface is sluggish and needs a rework.

    However what you need to do is

    • shoot a frame
    • enable the subsampling rectangle
    • shoot one frame that gets subsampled
    • disable the subsampling rectangle but leave “enable subsample” as on

    Then all consecutive images will be subsampled while the setting is on

  2. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    thanks for the quick reply. This is exactly what I have done, but this is not working. Please see the screen shot. I have selected the star, switched off the rectangle and kept Supersampling On. The result is a complete different arey. The star is not on the imaged area. Maybe it gets confused with binning factors.

    It really need rework. Thanks for clarification. It is not critical, but I thought I am too stupid.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Yea i don’t think that binning and subsampling will work together. Might be best to use Binning 1x1 when using subsampling.

  4. Ruediger reporter

    Ok, no problem. Just put it on the to-be-fixed list.
    For me it was important to know, whether it is my fault or not, because it is not so intuitive and there is no detailed description in the manual .

    Thanks 🙂

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    sub sampling is changed in 1.11 and should work better and also should not encounter the described issue anymore

  6. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    is there a chance to get a sequencer control for sub-sapling?
    E.g. when shooting small objects like PNs it would reduce data amount dramatically.



  7. Stefan B repo owner

    It might come and with the new system in place will be much better to add. The main issue right now is how to make the UI work when no camera is connected. So I have looked into it a few times, but did not have a good solution just yet.

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