Platesolving files deleted after app update

Issue #8 resolved
Alistair M created an issue

After uninstalling the app and installing a new version, all the platesolving files are gone.

It might be an idea in the uninstaller to have check-box option to delete local platesolving files, so users can choose to keep them if they want.

Same for local user settings, I guess.

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Which files are you referring to? The index files? When uninstalling there is already a messagebox that asks if you want to keep your local astrometry client.

  2. Alistair M reporter

    Yeah the index files. For some reason when I uninstalled even though I unchecked that box it still deleted them, but this might all be related to the permissions problem I had, Cygwin getting itself wedged.

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