ASI294MM native driver, temp sensor error message and NINA versions.

Issue #800 resolved
nickstarboy created an issue


New ASI294MM. My standard NINA version 1.10BETA016 wont recognise the native driver. So I install the newest nightly (

This recognises the ASI294MM. Great! But it crashes on focus, with an ASCOM error relating to failed attempting to read the focuser temperature. Even though temp compensation is turned off - there is no sensor! I dont get this error with 1.10BETA016.

So I switch back to 1.10BETA016, and use the camera via ASCOM.

This is OK, but two errors. One, I focus 2x2 binned, and take 2 exposures for each position. However the first is taken unbinned and only the second is binned. Thankfully NINA uses the binned image HFR value (lower HFR). I can live with this and have changed the focus to work unbinned. I have also had sporadic errors from ASTAP relating to unexpected binning or lack of.

I suspect these latter problems are ASCOM driver related, and might disappear with native driver.

So! Can I get NINA 1.10BETA016 to natively recognise my ASI294MM? or

Better still, can I get the 1.11 NINA to not throw this temp sensor error (even with temp sensing all switched off as i have no sensor).

Many thanks guys!

Best regards


PS I will try to get screenshot of the temp sensor error but it means reinstalling and then reverting the software version.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    What exact version of 1.10BETA016 are you referring to? 1.10 without the hotfixes? This version is not supported and you should upgrade to 1.10 HF2

  2. nickstarboy reporter

    Thanks Stefan. WIll HF2 support the ASI294MM natively? I would try it right now but Im imaging!!!!

  3. nickstarboy reporter

    Hi Stefan, yes HF2 works with the 294 natively! You can close this ticket and I’ll open a more specific one if needed.

    Thanks for the good advice!

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