Get NINA Status Data outside (API or TCP Stream)

Issue #808 resolved
Albert Miethaner created an issue

To get notifications on my handy, or control my homeautomation on some events it would be great to extend/implement the (SGP)API.

Or send informations via TCP Stream (like PHD2).

So i/we can see if NINA is taking images (exposing) or dither, slew, centering, meridina flipping or some else.

Or i can see if there are some errors ant let for example my led stripes flashing.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    the SGP like API is just there to interface with existing apps and will not be a full featured SGP like API, but only offer the bare minimum that is required for intefacing with these apps.

    Instead a separate API will be defined in the future that is dedicated to N.I.N.A. but it will take some time until this becomes reality.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    1.11 adv. sequencer can utilize the groundstation plugin or the gns plugin to send data to other devices.

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