Basic steps to get NINA to receive coordinates from Cartes du Ciel

Issue #809 closed
AL created an issue

I have designated Cartes du Ciel in NINA and in the Framing Wizard I am able to get the message ‘Coordinates acquired from Cartes du Ciel’ but the image and RA and Dec are not changing. I am not actually seeing the objects in NINA that I am selecting in Cartes.

I looked at the NINA instructions and see reference to a Planetarium tab in settings but I don’t have that in version 1.10 HF1. I can’t at this time upgrade to the HF2 version (that was a previous case) because it does not work with my Altair camera (can’t connect it) so I reinstalled the 1.10 HF1.

If you can explain the settings in Cartes du Ciel and in NINA that I need to set I would appreciate it.



Comments (5)

  1. AL reporter

    Following up with more detail. It would be helpful to have this in NINA for but CDC.

    Setting up planetarium software


  2. AL reporter

    Thanks Dale (again). I will try the Server settings mentioned on that page and see how it goes.

  3. AL reporter

    Works now, all I did was uncheck one box, the client connection keep alive, and all coordinates are now transferring over to NINA. Seems too simple. Moving on to the next challenge. Thanks.

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