Park scope, warm CCD and disconnect all devices option.

Issue #81 resolved
Tommy Lim KW created an issue

If NINA can implement park scope, warm CCD and disconnect all devices automatically after sequences end.

Comments (9)

  1. Stanley Dimant

    All of those options should be able to be selected separately (i.e. not using focuser to zero)

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Maybe we could add this like a new sequence target, but instead it will be a different type of ui displayed. It will then be a data driven UI, that will show the end of sequence options without any other sequence stuff as a separate tab arrow at the end.

    This way we could add start options and also some options for between different targets. An example flow:

    Start Options ==> Target 1 ==> Target 2 ==> Mid Sequence Options ==> Target 3 ==> End Options

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