Unexpected Error Occurred - ASI_Error_General_Error...

Issue #812 closed
John L created an issue

Hi, I’ve been using NINA since last year. Mostly good performance and good results. I almost always update to the latest nightly version before each night’s imaging session.
Up until March 4, I would routinely run an advanced sequence, and, while the sequence was running, I would make modifications to various parameters in the sequence; to either the present target being imaged, or the other targets in the sequence that were planned for later that night. For example, I might delete a target from the sequence, then add another target to the sequence. Or, modify the number of exposures, the “loop until time”, etc. Normally, I would never have a problem. The sequence would always keep running properly, and execute my changes, usually no problems for the rest of the night. Also, whenever I changed the advanced sequence, I would always save the sequence, and over write the existing sequence. Again, I’ve been doing it this way for several months, and it’s been working fine. Also, I had only been using the "take exposures" (didn't use "smart exposures"), and had not been guiding or trying to include PHD2 guiding in the sequence.
On 4 March, I decided to use the simple sequencer to generate sequences, and send them to the advanced sequencer. These new sequences used the "smart exposure" instruction. I started running PHD2 again and try to guiding and dithering.
Since then, once I run these new sequences, on most nights, NINA will operate correctly for a while, then at some point it starts reporting errors, and imaging will stop. It seems that the sequence continues, but imaging ceases, and NINA reports problems with my camera. Below is an example from last night.

I try "close all" and it just keep scrolling more errors. This evidently occurred around 11:40pm, and was not coincident with any change that was programmed in the sequence (unless it was a dither, I am not sure). The log file for last night is about 4.5GB. It's so large I can't even open it on my machine (with software I have). I've had similar failures over the last week or so. One time NINA generated a log file that I was able to open. I pulled out excerpts from that log that I thought were important. I can send you that file if needed.
Anyway, I'm not sure if:

  • this is a problem I am causing by making changes to the advanced sequence during the sequence execution. Similar problems occur when I pause the sequence and make changes, then restart the sequence. Again, I never had this problem before I started using "smart exposures" and started using PHD2 guiding in the sequence.
  • my camera is having periodic issues
  • inclusion of PHD2 is causing problems. After a long time not guiding, I had just resumed doing guiding again around 3 March. My imaging camera is the ZWO ASI183MC pro, and I use the ASI120mm mini guide camera for guiding. Since 3 March, I've had cases where I've manually restarted PHD2 guiding during a sequence, and the similar camera errors occurred.
    I can provide more information if needed.

Comments (6)

  1. Dale Ghent

    As for the log file size, make sure that you’re not on Trace or Debug level logging. You should set the log level under Options>General to Info.

    As for the camera errors, this error is bubbling up from the ZWO camera library that NINA uses to access and operate ZWO cameras. As the error type of “general” implies, it’s a non-specific error and we usually see these when there is a communication issue with the camera, such as when a USB cable, hub, or port have gone bad. On rare occasions it could be because the camera itself is having issues. Since you introduced PHD2 into the mix, it might be that the asi120 and the asi183 are putting a stress on the bus that it is not able to handle. Some things to try:

    1. If you are using the flat-style ribbon cable that ZWO insists on including with their cameras, do not hesitate in finding the closest trash bin for it and feeding the cable to it. The USB gods will be pleased, and there will be one (or more) fewer USB cables of terrible design and construction in the world. Replace them with a decent USB cable. Internationally, cables from StarTech or Tripp-Lite are usually a safe bet. In the US, you can add L-Com.com to that list.
    2. If you are using a USB hub and it is passive; ie, does not have its own power supply, replace it with one that is powered. Again, StarTech hubs are a good place to look for these.
    3. In the Equipment>Camera screen, set USB Limit down to 40, which is the lowest value it can go with ZWO cameras. This may help the two cameras coexist on the same bus.

    One or a combination of the above can be done to work through getting reliable communication with the cameras going again.

  2. John L reporter

    Dale, Ok, thanks. I use a zwo flat cable for ASI120mm, I’ll try replacing that cable.

    Also regarding the other topic I brought up, is it allowable to make changes to the advanced sequences while they are executing? Whether paused or not?

  3. Dale Ghent

    Yes, one of the primary intentions with Advanced Sequencer is to allow for the editing of sequences while they are underway.

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