Unable to set individual exposure time for each filter

Issue #819 resolved
Bob Bach created an issue

N.I.N.A. Nightly Build1.11 #063

I am unable to set the individual exposure times for each filter when using Auto Focus. Under the Options-Equipment Tab the Filterwheel interface only has two columns “Position” and “Name” . The other Columns (“Focus Offset”, Auto Focus Exposure Time” - the one I want to change - and “Default AF Filter”) are missing. There is another chart that contains this information under Options-Auto Focus, but unable to adjust the Auto Focus Exposure Time (the only input that seems to adjust it is the “Default Auto Focus Exposure Time” and that is applied to all of the filters.

Any suggestions would be appreciated….thanks

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    The autofocus exposure times are maintained in the autofocus tab. What is the problem in entering values there?

  2. Bob Bach reporter

    All of the filter positions presently have the same time of (10) which is the Default Auto Focus Exposer Time. When I enter a change to one of the cells I get an error message “ ! Illegal character or Input String was not in a correct format “ and I am unable proceed to the next input cell.. For example I am changing the time of (10) for one of the filters to (15).

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Issue resolved.

    However as this isn't the first time someone got confused by the user experience, I will introduce a different approach to display the default values using the hint textbox.

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