NINA version 1.10 HF1, Framing images not loading from HIPS 2 FITS SKY Survey (bad gateway error)

Issue #827 resolved
AL created an issue

Hi, in the last few days I have been not been able to access the HIPS 2 FITS SKY Survey images on the Framing Tab in Nina.
The error message is ‘The remote server returned an error: (502) Bad Gateway’. From what I have found this is characteristic
of an error with the source data provider’s outgoing information.

Prior to that I was able to rapidly load up the images when selecting objects. This problem has occurred on all targets the last couple of days.

I have been able to obtain images from the NASA Sky Survey.

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this error with HIPS 2 or if something changed/or needs to be changed on my settings.
I continue to run version 1.10 HF1 because when I upgraded to HF2 my Altair Camera became inoperable; those of us with Altair cameras are awaiting a data update from Altair to fix this issue. I would like to upgrade to HF2 also because I am having some plate solving issues with ASTAP that others have reported is fixed with HF2.

Thank you


Comments (4)

  1. Jungshik Shin

    I also have this issue. I have 1.10 HF2. It worked once or twice before it began to have ‘bad gateway error’. Given the error message, I suspect the url may have changed and need to be updated in NINA.

  2. Dale Ghent

    The upcoming 1.10 HF3 release has entered the Beta cycle. It will fall back to a backup HIPS2 server if the primary one is down, as it seems to be. You can download the beta from the NINA website or set Auto-Update Source to Beta under Options > General and look for the update notice in the upper right of the NINA window.

  3. AL reporter

    Thanks Dale. I am reluctant to try newer versions of NINA until I am certain Altair has provided the software kits to maintain connectivity of their cameras. I had the earlier issue of losing my connection to the 26C Altair upon upgrading to HF2 so I uninstalled and am using HF1.

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