[] Gettting timeout error when waiting for PHD2 dither to settle

Issue #84 resolved
Johannes Josefsen created an issue

Irregardless of how high i make the dither threshold I always get this error, even if PHD2 has already settled.

[2018-09-01T23:08:49] [ERROR] [MemberName] WatchTaskAsync [2018-09-01T23:08:49] [ERROR] [FileName] D:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\NotifyTaskCompletion.cs [2018-09-01T23:08:49] [ERROR] [Message] A task was canceled. at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

See bottom of attached log file..

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Can you tell me what values you've put for - Settle Pixel Tolerance - Minimum Settle Time - Settle Timeout

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    NINA waits for PHD2 to send back a settleDone message. If that does not happen there is a hard fallback after 120 seconds. I am not able to reproduce your issue, as i do not get any timeout and dither works as expected :(

  3. Johannes Josefsen reporter

    Looks like it is clear tonight, if it holds i will pay more attention to this and see if I can be a litle more helpful. :)

  4. Johannes Josefsen reporter

    I have increased the minimum settle time and settle time out a little and I no longer have this isssue.

    Working perfectly!

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