Can't connect Focuser "SkyCenter Stepper"

Issue #840 resolved
Mahon created an issue

I can’t connect my focuser interface : it uses an ASCOM driver “SkyCenter Stepper” (see “Focuser drivers list.png” in Attachments). The interface is a USB-Focuser 3 from Pierro-Astro.

I just have the error message : “Focuser connexion lost!” (see “Focuser connexion error.png” in Attachments)

Is there a way to determine the reason of this error ?


Comments (4)

  1. Dale Ghent

    The reason why the focuser driver is disconnecting is hidden from NINA. NINA only knows that, suddenly and for some reason, the focuser driver has chosen to flag itself as disconnected.

    You may wish to review any logs that are created by the focuser driver itself or contact the driver/hardware vendor for support with their product. There seems to be an update to this driver from January 2021, so also make sure that you have installed the current version of the driver:

  2. Mahon reporter

    Thanks for your prompt answer.

    I’ve already the last version of the driver. I can’t find any log from the driver (I searched in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\Focuser” directory).

    I’ll try to contact the hardware vendor to find more details.

  3. Mahon reporter

    I finally found a solution : I have reinstalled NINA with x86 version instead of 64bits version. It works fine now !

    Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience ! 🙂

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