Flat Panel is turning off for trained flat in Sequencer

Issue #859 closed
Brian Sweeney created an issue

After running the flat wizard to determine flat times I tried using the new Sequencer to take a series of flats. I used the “Trained Flat Exposure” for all 7 of my filters. The first 6 filters all adjusted the flat panel to the associated brightness. The last filter shuts off the panel. I tried retraining that filter and get the same result.

I have attached the logs

Comments (9)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    according to the logs the brightness for SII was set to the same value as Ha and OIII was

  2. Brian Sweeney reporter


    It seems there is some inconsistency with the state of the flat panel light with NINA. When I plug in the usb cable for the panel, it turns on to the max brightness. When I connect to NINA, NINA says the light is off even though it is on. If I try to run trained flats, it seems to turn off the brightness randomly for the max brightness filters (this last run turned it off for all 3 narrowband ones).

    If after connecting to NINA I turn the light “on” by clicking the button and clicking it again to turn it off, it turns the light panel off. Running the same trained flat plan has worked successfully 3 different times.

  3. Brian Sweeney reporter

    I have tried it 3 times on 1.10 HF3 BETA001 and it has worked as expected even though it has the same light state mismatch when connecting the panel

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    I will probably buy one of those flatmasters and then can look into the issue in detail

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    Can't reproduce in the current nightly build. All flat exposures were properly set using a pegasus flatmaster. After the final trained flat exposure the panel is turned off (expected behavior)

    The inconsistent state on connection is fixed for the next nightly build too (1.11 148)

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