Trained Flat in Advanced Sequencer without function

Issue #860 closed
Albert Albert created an issue

If i want do in the latest nightly a trained Flat with the advanced sequencer i can see the message that my panel dont can close.

With OK and cancle the progces is canceld and i cant take flats.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi - what do you mean “with ok and cancle” - did you click on ok and it didn’t proceed or did you click on cancel?

  2. Albert Albert reporter

    Yes, i klick on OK, the “Question-Windows” cloeses and nothing more happens. The same if i klick on cancel.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Can you share your log file on the run where you clicked ‘ok’? It is located under %localappdata%\nina\logs

  4. Albert Albert reporter

    In the Log file is nothing to see from this problem. I ve now restarted my PC and try it again and now it runs….

    I think it was a single failure. You can close the ticket. If it comes again i create a new one.

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