How does FocusMax works with NINA

Issue #861 closed
Javier Villarreal created an issue

Good day, i have asked this question on other forums, also in discord, but haven’t received any comment.

I see FocusMax in the focuser options, is it possible to use it? i tried it but it doesn’t seem to communicate with NINA.

thanks so much for any advise.


Comments (9)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    this lacks info on what the problem is. The focuser should work like any ascom device. You click on setup to set up the parameters and then click on connect. If it doesn’t connect, you will get an error message with more details.

    Additional info is also in NINA’s log file under %localappdata%\nina\logs

  2. Javier Villarreal reporter

    Thank you Stefan, but it should, in theory, work?.

    what i got in FocusMax was “Camera is not connected” but in NINA i had everything connected and working.

    I was wondering if there was any special requirement for FocusMax to communicate with NINA.

    thanks again.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    For driver specific details your vendor should have guidelines how it will work with software. To nina the focuser is just a generic ascom device and there is no special handling for device specifics.

  4. Javier Villarreal reporter

    Hello Stefan, FocusMax is a Software not a device, let me do some research and give feedback if i find a solution.

    thanks for your prompt reply

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