Nightly 078: Resetting sequence no longer resets file counter

Issue #865 closed
Sebastian G created an issue

Hi all,

As of Nightly 077, I noticed that using the reset button for a given sequence resets the UI, but the file counter continues to count up instead of starting from 0. The behavior can be reproduced in Nightly 078 as well:

  1. Create a sequence in the simple sequencer.
  2. Set the Total # to 5, for example.
  3. Start the sequence and cancel it after 2 frames.
  4. Click Reset progress of selected row…
  5. Start the sequence again and wait until in compeltes.

Before Nightly 077, the files inside the target folder would be numbered *0000, *0001, *0000, *0001,…, *0004

As of Nightly 077, the files are always numbered cesecutively *0000, *0001,…, *0007

Many thanks for looking into this!


Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is intended behavior.

    Further adjustments to how file counter is handled might come, but the opinion about how the file counter should increase and why differs broadly.

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