ASA DDM 60 Connection issue

Issue #868 on hold
Wojtek Gdańsk created an issue

Witam, w NINA 1.11 Beta Sequence 2.0 nie mogę połączyć się z instalatorem ASA DDM 60.
Musiałem wrócić do wersji 1.10 HF3 BETA002 i tu mogę wybrać się do DDM 60.

My problem is shown in the video.

Pozdrawiam Wojtek.

Comments (30)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Hi, it looks like the mount’s ASCOM driver is throwing an exception when the coordinates are being read from or written to it. This is likely a bug in the ASA driver. You can attach a NINA log file to this issue for further analysis.

  2. Stefan B repo owner


    as per my previous answer, the issue might be due to properties being used that were not used in 1.10.

    Therefore please run the Conformance Checker from ASCOM that I have linked in my previous post. Inside there you can select your mount driver and the tool will perform various checks on the driver if everything is working as expected. If there are conformance issues in the driver it can lead to incompatibilities with nina.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok thank you for providing all the required logs. I will have a look at what is causing this issue.

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi again. It looks like you have run the conformance checker against a simulator:
    ”ConformanceCheck Driver ProgID: ScopeSim.Telescope”

    Please select your mount driver first and then run the conformance check. (Options->Select Driver)

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    I don’t know much about your driver specifics. It should be connected like you would connect to other software.

    Additionally i made a small tweak in nightly 81, based on the info i already have. You could try out if that already resolves the issue.

  6. Wojtek Gdańsk reporter

    Success. In the latest BETA 81, it has merged with ASA DDM.
    Thank you for helping me so quickly.
    Today I'm in the weather so I will test the new Beta 81 version.

  7. Wojtek Gdańsk reporter

    Welcome back .

    Unfortunately, my joy was too early.

    NINA connects, but not always.

    However, when it connects, when I want to perform some activities related to DDM in NINA program, NINA loses connection with DDM.

    To connect DDM to NINA again, I have to restart my computer.

    In two videos he shows two different situations after which NINA loses connection with DDM.

    I also sent some logs.

    By the way, where NINA saves user equipment profiles.

  8. Dale Ghent

    You should run the ASCOM Conformance tool again, but configured to use the ASA ASCOM driver, as Stefan explained above.

    Looking at the logs you provided, I see:

    1. The driver is emitting an exception immediately upon connection. This is not normal and is perhaps a configuration issue inside the driver.
    2. NINA 1.11 is accessing a property in the ASA ASCOM driver named TrackingRate. The information this property provides informs NINA of the current tracking speed of the mount. When NINA attempts to use this property to get that information, the driver gives an invalid response of “not implemented.” This property should be implemented by the ASA ASCOM driver. Here is what the ASCOM Telescope interface standard says about this topic.

    You will need to contact ASA support about these driver issues. The reason why this issue occurs in NINA 1.11 and not 1.10 is because 1.10 does not use the TrackingRate driver property. NINA 1.11 uses it to verify that the mount is moving at the expected rate.

    So, please run the ASCOM Conformance program with the ASA ASCOM driver specified. You can provide the output of its tests here and to ASA if it verifies that there is an issue with the driver’s conformance to the specification.

  9. Stefan B repo owner

    Summary of your log:
    Your driver had 10 errors, 0 warnings and 8 issues

    And in detail:

    18:40:38.937 TrackingRates ERROR Unexpected System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException exception, : Obiekt docelowy wywołania zgłosił wyjątek.
    18:40:38.961 TrackingRates ERROR Unexpected System.NullReferenceException exception, : Zmienna obiektu lub zmienna bloku With nie jest ustawiona.
    18:40:38.994 TrackingRates ERROR Unexpected System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException exception, : Obiekt docelowy wywołania zgłosił wyjątek.
    18:40:39.031 Conform:ConformanceCheck ExceptionERROR System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A005B): Objektvariable oder With-Blockvariable nicht festgelegt
    w Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding.LateGet(Object o, Type objType, String name, Object[] args, String[] paramnames, Boolean[] CopyBack)
    w Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.NewLateBinding.LateGet(Object Instance, Type Type, String MemberName, Object[] Arguments, String[] ArgumentNames, Type[] TypeArguments, Boolean[] CopyBack)
    w Conform.TelescopeTester.CheckProperties() w J:\Conform\Conform\Devices\TelescopeTester.vb:wiersz 1389
    w Conform.FrmConformMain.ConformanceCheck() w J:\Conform\Conform\FrmConformMain.vb:wiersz 622
    18:41:23.601 TimeCheck ERROR Mount UTCDate: .NET Exception - CheckDotNetExceptions AstrooptikServer.Telescope UTCDate Get System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Datei nicht gefunden: astro32 (See Inner Exception for details)
    18:41:28.463 DeclinationRate Write ERROR DeclinationRate Read does not return 0.1 as set, instead it returns 0.
    18:41:30.582 DeclinationRate Write ERROR DeclinationRate Read does not return 1 as set, instead it returns 0.
    18:41:37.711 RightAscensionRate Write ERROR RightAscensionRate Read does not return 0.1 as set, instead it returns 0.
    18:41:39.840 RightAscensionRate Write ERROR RightAscensionRate Read does not return 1 as set, instead it returns 0.18:41:42.678 SlewSettleTime Write ERROR Unexpected DriverException(0x80131500), : CheckDotNetExceptions AstrooptikServer.Telescope SlewSettleTimeSet System.Exception: The supplied value is out of range for this property. (See Inner Exception for details)

    These are ASCOM driver errors that have to be fixed by the driver vendor. Otherwise a smooth operation with NINA cannot be given.

  10. Wojtek Gdańsk reporter

    Hello. I wrote to the ASA company several times but did not receive any information. Why are you asking. regards Wojtek.

  11. Wojtek Gdańsk reporter

    Welcome back.
    I also use SGP software.
    In SGP after writing a new software version,
    some users of this software have had trouble connecting their mounts.
    The SGP programmers in the new SGP software used the so-called ASCOM reverse.
    And thus, you can now connect to the new SGP software without any problem.
    Perhaps NINA could also use such an ASCOM function.

  12. Dale Ghent

    It is unfortunate that ASA has not responded and corrected the issues with their driver. I am not familiar with this SGPro feature that you mention but, overall, it is still the NINA group’s firm policy that the vendor must fix their driver. ASCOM is a standard and it is expected that all drivers conform to it.

  13. Wojtek Gdańsk reporter

    You are certainly right that ASA should take care of its ASCOM driver.
    Today I will write on the ASA assembly users forum and describe the whole situation with the ASA driver,
    perhaps then ASA will become interested in this matter.
    I'll let you know when I know something.
    I am still using NINA 1.10 HF3 beta.
    Thank you for your interest in my problem.

  14. Sean Chan

    @wojtek, I’m following this closely too as I have just purchased a DDM60 and would like to use NINA with it.

  15. Wojtek Gdańsk reporter

    I wrote on the ASA forum about the problem with the ASA ASCOM driver.
    Maybe now ASA's technical department will release a new driver that will work with NINA.

  16. Wojtek Gdańsk reporter

    The ASA company finally found a solution so that the DDM assembly could work properly with NINA 2.0
    To connect to NINA I should use the Ascom Device Hub instead of the Astrooptik Serve telescope.
    So when the weather is fine, I will be able to start playing with NINA 2.0.11.
    Thanks to everyone for your concern about my problem.

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