Bahtinov Window is Half Black

Issue #869 closed
Bill Richards created an issue

I’m running v1.10 HF2 with an ASI2600MC and Canon 135 F/2L lens on a CEM40 mount.

Last night, I decided to try using the Bahtinov Analyzer tool but encountered a strange issue. With an image captured and in the image display window, I enabled the Bahtinov Analyzer and moved the little window over the brightest star in the image. But the right half of the Bathinov Analyzer window was black (see attached image). No matter what I tried, I could not get rid of it.

I’m testing in heavily light polluted and humid skies of San Diego, so getting a proper star for Bahtinov focusing is difficult. I realize that I really need a brighter star and probably a longer exposure, but I don’t think that explains the right half of the square being black.

Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

Comments (1)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    i'm not able to reproduce this in the 1.11 latest nightly build using simulators. If the problem is still reproducable, please re-open the issue and attach your logs. Thanks!

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