Bug in native connection to Pegasus UPBv2

Issue #871 resolved
Stefan created an issue

I have run across an issue when controlling the Pegasus Ultimate Powerbox UPBv2 from within NINA.
I am running the latest Nightly (V1.11.0.1081) on Windows 10 Pro, but the problem is also in earlier versions.
The Powerbox is connected natively via the NINA driver, not via ASCOM.

I cannot use the Variable Power Port (3V-12V), when I try to set it to any value it gives me an error message (see screenshot). There seems to be a timeout.
It works without issues in the Pegasus Windows application.

This is in the logfile:
2021-05-24T16:17:48.0914|ERROR|SwitchVM.cs|SetSwitchValue|86|Timeout to set switch value 12 for switch [Id: 0, Name: ]. Current value is 0.

Before and after that line there are repeatedly dozens of these entries, I do not know if they are related:
2021-05-24T16:17:46.6227|ERROR|PegasusResponses.cs|ParseResponse|248|Could not parse PowerStatus Response PS:11:12
2021-05-24T16:17:46.6227|ERROR|ContinuousSwitches.cs|Poll|53|Invalid response from Ultimate Powerbox V2. Command was: NINA.Equipment.SDK.SwitchSDKs.PegasusAstro.PowerStatusCommand Response was: PS:11:12.

Thank you for looking into this,

P.S.: I also noticed that a small typo in the GUI that could be fixed as well: There is “Usb” instead of “USB”.

Comments (8)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    I could finally spend some time to investigate this and try to reproduce.

    However for me the variable switch port is working without any problem. Additionally i also don’t get the error about the power responses.

  2. Dale Ghent

    There have been several versions of UPBv2 firmware over the past few months. It would be helpful to know if your UPBv2 is running the latest version of it.

  3. Stefan reporter

    Hello both,
    thank you for looking into this.

    I just checked it again, and unfortunately the problem persists for me. Everything works fine, except for the variable power port.
    My UPBv2 is model “UPBv2 revC”, Firmware version 2.4, Software version I assume this is the latest version.
    NINA is at the latest nightly.

    Unfortunately switching to the ASCOM is no option, as the variable power port is not available there (only Output 1-4 and the three Dew Heater Channels).


  4. Moebus

    To this day, it still doesn't work. Sorry!☹ My UPBv2 is model “UPBv2 revD. I am running the latest (V2.0.02045) beta 045, on Windows 10 Pro.

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