A few suggestions

Issue #874 closed
Ronald Brecher created an issue
  1. Flat Wizard: In Multi, allow filter order to be modified
  2. Flat Wizard: Make the mode sticky (e.g. I always use sky flats, but have to manually select each time)
  3. File Names: DO NOT reset the file number counter (that is appended to file name); let each image be sequentially numbered
  4. Smart Image Action: Add Readout Mode to the parameters that can be set.

Thank you so much for this wonderful and evolving software.

Clear skies,


Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    As for the file name counter, the opinions vary wildly on this topic and it seems that there is no solution that fits everyone

  2. Ronald Brecher reporter

    Regarding the file name counter, perhaps the best solution would be an option to stay sequential, or not.

  3. Cedric Raguenaud


    I second those suggestions, especially #1: for large number of filters (e,g, 8+), and especially for narrowband ones, it is important to set the order to do narrowband filters first when it’s still bright, so that there is a chance of going through the whole set in 1 session (it’s often very tight). That would make life so much easier.


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