Connection to AA294CPROTEC camera results in crash

Issue #876 duplicate
Roland Gooday created an issue

Connection to AA294CPROTEC camera results in crash

----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

-------------------Running NINA Version
----------------------ASCOM Platform Version 6.5----------------------
---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
------------------------Is 64bit Process False------------------------
---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
--------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0---------------
---------------------------Major 10 Minor 0---------------------------
----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

[2021-06-10T18:24:27.3285] [INFO] [MemberName] ChooseCamera
[2021-06-10T18:24:27.3285] [INFO] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraVM.cs
[2021-06-10T18:24:27.3285] [INFO] [Message] Successfully connected Camera. Id: 0-0df9 Name: AA294CPROTEC Driver Version: 48.18421.20210202

Comments (3)

  1. Roland Gooday reporter

    ….camera settings dialogue is shown, then the application closes after a short time hanging

  2. Dale Ghent

    This is a duplicate of existing issue #755

    There are known issues with the Altair SDK and this model of camera. Please try updating the 1.10 HF3, which includes a newer version of the Altair SDK. It has been reported that using a USB 2 cable instead of USB 3 results in stability.

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