Dither without PHD2

Issue #88 resolved
Former user created an issue

Be able to dither after a set amount of images are shot by a set amount in a random or spiral. I could have a 300x30s sequence going and have it set to dither 30 pixels on the cam every 20 shots.

Comments (4)

  1. Johannes Josefsen Account Deactivated

    NINA already supports dithering every x number of frames, it is a setting in the imaging plan.

    NINA plan.jpg

    The dither aggressiveness can be set in the settings window, under equipment tab.

    equipment tab.jpg

  2. Stanley Dimant

    Dither without PHD2 requires moving the mount by a small amount, this is not super trivial to implement.

  3. Yannick Dutertre

    My apologies if this is extraneous information - SGP accomplishes this (dither without PHD2) by sending guide pulses (so at whatever the guiding rate of the mount is set at) for a set amount of user-configurable time - so it knows nothing about how much the mount moves. As far as I can tell, it gets the total pulse length from what the user set, and then applies it to one of the PulseGuide directions - and sends the pulses to the mount - overall, it seems to me similar to the old PHD guiding logic with its three levels of strength.

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