Option for no image downloading and preview

Issue #889 closed
Tommy Lim KW created an issue


I would like to request an option to stop image downloading and preview in NINA. This is because I am using the SNAP port function and my DSLR is not connected to my mini PC using a USB cable. So, definitely, all the images will save into the SDcard.

The issue is NINA will wait for the image to download which will not be happening.

Hope to hear from you.



Comments (3)

  1. George Hilios

    Tommy, NINA doesn’t wait for images to download before proceeding to the next acquisition. Can you help us understand how this affects your setup? NINA needs the images downloaded to do things like plate solving, auto focus, etc.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    As discussed via Discord, this change is not desired, as having access to the image is crucial for many operations to properly automate image acquisition.

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