Allow for ASCOM switches to be designated as dew heaters and function similarly to the Pegaus Astro (automatic dew control)

Issue #897 closed
Jacob Mcswain created an issue

I haven’t yet played around with NINA’s new sequencer, so it’s possible that this feature will already be possible with newer versions.

I have implemented an ASCOM-compliant Switch for a set of dew heaters that have a “heat” value from 0-255 (Arduino-based PWM-driven MOSFET to USB dew heaters). These are easily 7w of power each, accounting for 14 out of ~50 watts used out in the field on batteries. The ability to utilize ASCOM-compliant switches with automatic dew control would save a sizable amount of power and allow users to extend their imaging sessions by avoiding needless heating.

Comments (2)

  1. Dale Ghent

    I suggest first trying out 1.11 prior to making an issue on this topic.

    When Nina 1.11 connects to a switch driver it will also populate the names of the various switches with the names that the driver declares for them. The switches can then be manipulated from within 1.11’s Advanced Sequencer.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Switch handling is available in the advanced sequencer. In fact auto dew exposed as a switch is already widely used by folks using a pegasus upbv2 for example

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