Trouble shooting unresponsive focuser (Sesto Senso 2) that connects to NINA but NINA can't move

Issue #899 closed
AL created an issue

Is the issue reproducible?

Yes, this issue has recurred during several imaging sessions with my new NUC controller (focus was working on previous laptop)

Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met?

I have followed the manual and reproduced the settings per my previous laptop controller

Which Version are you running?

1.10 HF1 (I find this version the most stable and compatible with my Altair 26c camera after trying an upgrade then downgrading)


NINA cannot move my Sesto Senso 2 focuser. I am able to connect to the focuser in the Equipment connect menu with no problems in NINA and I am allowed to start the auto focus routine. However, when starting the auto focus routine the message is ‘moving focuser to position 60’ which is odd because the focuser is at position 77601 as shown in the Sesto Senso application, then nothing happens, the focuser does not move at all. I am able to connect to the focuser with the Sesto Senso software after closing NINA to check its functioning, and can move the focus knob in and out with no problems.

Before I engage in my own trouble shooting (perhaps its 64 bit vs. 32 bit issues or perhaps its incompatible ASCOM drivers) I wanted to ask here first to avoid making matters worse. Again, NINA sees the focuser, connects, but can’t move it. My telescope is focused manually but I wanted to run the excellent focusing routines in NINA and automatically as conditions change.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Similar to above, I am able to connect to all of my equipment (telescope mount HEQ5, camera Altair 26c, and Sesto Senso 2 focuser.
  • I slew to a start and use the plate solving routine to zero in.
  • I commence guiding in PHD2
  • Then initiate the auto focus routine
  • Message each time I have tried is ‘moving focuser to position 60’
  • Nothing actually happens, focuser does not move.

Thanks for your insights or further questions to help narrow down the issue.

Thank you


Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    please set your log level to TRACE inside the options, reproduce the issue and then attach the log file. The file can be found inside %LOCALAPPDATA%\NINA\Log

    From a first look this sounds like a focuser driver issue, that it randomly reports a zero position when the position could not be properly fetched, resulting in moving to the first autofocus point at position 60. (position 0 + initial steps)

  2. AL reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    Please find attached the log from a session tonight where I reproduced the issue of the zero focus position. I replicated the Auto Focus error by activating it from a sequence, as well as from going directly to auto focus with the same result.

    Your earlier first impression does match the setting, as the step size is set to 10 and the number of steps is 6 = 60. The focuser does appear to be reporting zero back to NINA which then does not move since NINA thinks the position is fully retracted (zero, right?).

    I have sent the log from the Sesto Senso 2 to PrimaLuce which reports an error as well. I am hopeful that approaching this from both sides (NINA and focuser) the issue can be isolated and resolved.

    Thanks again for the assistance. Let me know if you need further information or have other suggestions after reviewing the workflow steps in the log from the session tonight.


  3. AL reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    PrimaLuce Laps responded, suggesting the issue was my running 64bit operating system. If you could let me know when you have time if the log provided any additional information about the error and if you concur on the possibility of this being related to the 64bit. Thank you. AL

    Here is the reply from PLL:

    Filippo@PrimaLuceLab Aug 22, 07:14

    Good morning,
    ​latest SESTO SENSO 2 ASCOM Drivers are compatible with 32 bit softwares, we’re actually developing the 64 bit drivers and we plan to publish in a few weeks. So if you’re using a 64 bit software, this may have some error. As soon as we publish the new driver, we’ll notify on our website.
    ​Best regards.

    Alex Aug 8, 02:52

    Please note in addition, that I am running the Focuser manager v1.3, and NINA reports the Sesto Senso 2 Ascom driver v1.3, and the Firmware is SestoSenso2_v1.3.fw. I downloaded the full Sesto Senso 2 software package 1-3 from which to load the drivers and focuser manager.

    My NUC is a 64 bit operating system, running edition Windows 10 Pro

    I am running NINA 1.10 HF1

    I am running Ascom Platform version 6.5

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    The logs don't indicate anything specific to x86 vs x64.

    In any case this is a driver related issue. You can also check for a test if the problem is still showing up in 1.11 nightlies or if the changes and improvements there guard for this driver problem.

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